Portage Elementary Title 1

Resource Center Link



What is Title I?

     Title I is a federally funded supplemental educational program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEA) to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived children. The Title I program is designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts and mathematics.

Our 2024-2025 Title I Program

Our Title I Schoolwide Program consists of a variety of activities, trainings, events, and funding of various resources that help support all the students at Portage Area Elementary. Our Title I Program varies slightly for each grade level. One of our goals is to have all students reading on grade level by the end of 3rd grade. To help reach this goal, our Title I staff are assigned to assist in the primary grades to provide early intervention. Our Title I staff help co-teach lessons with classroom teachers, provide extra support for struggling students either in the classroom or through pull-out services, and teach intervention programs to small groups of students. This year, math support will also be provided by the Title I staff to students in grades 1-3. Our Title I Program also funds a classroom teacher in Kindergarten to allow for smaller class sizes. Along with the funding of staff, the program provides books and materials for Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Wilson FUNdations, Capstone Leveled Readers, and Anchor Comprehension. These are all programs that are used by teachers in grades K-6.

Our Title I Program also supports our Literacy Bag Program, our Annual Spring Conference, Meet the Teacher Night, parent workshops and trainings and professional development opportunities for our teachers.

If you have any questions about our Title I Program, please feel free to contact the Title I staff at title@mustangmail.org

We are excited to begin the new school year and look forward to working with you and your child!

Parent Resources

Links to Try

Apps to Try

Reading Eggs (App)

Starfall (App)

Epic (App)

DuckDuckMoose (App)

Speakaboo (App)